Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Multiplication and Division for Grade 1?

The K-12 system of education was implemented here in the Philippines two years ago.

Personally, I don't think there's a real need for that. I grew up and finished school with the old system and I am sure my parents can say that I was well rounded without the the extra two years.

My siblings and I (all five of us) went to the same public elementary and high schools. Back in those days, the only difference between a public and a private school is the facilities. 

Of course, private schools had better playgrounds, gyms, audio visual rooms, canteens, auditoriums and most of all better kept comfort rooms. Minus all the pluses of going to a school for the kids of well off families, the quality of education  in the public schools were just as good.

My old classmates and I ended up having good careers. I graduated with a bachelor's degree and is a Registered Medical Technologist. I had friends (classmates) who became registered nurses, a lawyer, a consultant in Neonatal Intensive Care, and even a high ranking officer in the Department of Education.

With the new generation, I hear a lot of negative things about the quality of teaching in the public schools. Could this be the reason why they adapted the K-12 system. It's very possible. Is this the solution to the problem? I doubt it.

I was six years old when I started kindergarten. Now they have to be six years old when they start Grade 1.

It used to be in Grade 2 when they start introducing multiplication and division which means we were eight years old then. Now, they do this at age six or in Grade 1.

I am very lucky in that my daughter is really good in Math. Like her Dad says, her mind has a way of doing it and coming up with the correct answers not necessarily the way they do it in the text book.

This made me think about the dilemma other parents may be having whose kids are not that advanced.  Are kids matured enough mentally to handle multiplication and division at age six? Is the K-12 system really the answer to our education problems?

But then again, I was just talking about Mathematics.

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