Friday, September 25, 2015

Printmaking Using Vegetables

Today I have decided to do printmaking with my daughter using vegetables. While going through the fruit and vegetable isles of the supermarket, I tried to imagine what each would look like on a print whether cut lengthwise or crosswise.

Finally, I chose okra (ladyfingers) and calamansi (musk lime) which looks almost like a key lime. We used watercolor in tubes and here are the outcome.

We used the calamansi for the yellow flower and the rest are prints from okra that were cut diagonally and in longitudinal and cross sections. Don't pay too much attention to the mushroom in ochre color.

For this one, I drew the outline of a turtle using a pencil so my daughter can keep her prints inside the lines. Then, of course, TBM did the finishing touches by drawing a mouth and an eye (she specifically said) with eyelashes to make sure it looks like a girl.

We called our masterpiece “SeƱorita Tortuga.”

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