Thursday, November 5, 2015

Kidzania Manila Review

We have been to Kidzania Manila a few days ago. I honestly didn't know what to expect except that the kids will do role playing as adults inside while we wait for them outside the shop, site or whatever they call them.

Here is a picture of the very middle of Kidzania facing the ABS-CBN Theater where the kids perform or dance every hour.

This was our first try of everything else because it was beside the BPI bank where she exchanged her 50 kidzos that she got upon entering Kidzania.

My princess was the only girl of six kids who tried being a radio station announcer. They had a few minutes of briefing and then they started reading their lines from the computer. Being the only girl in the group, she got all shy even though she reads very well already at age six. The other kids were much bigger than her, maybe aged 10-11.

Our second stop was the ER. They had Emergency Medical Personnel training for about 10 minutes before they rode the Ambulance to try out what they've learned.

She said that they administered treatment to a lady who passed out in one of the places they went to while inside the ambulance.

All the parents, including me of course, were so excited to take pictures of our kids riding the ambulance. It's exciting even for us to see them do big people's jobs.

Now, it's her  turn to be a firefighter. We had to wait an hour to get her turn because she was waiting at the third batch when she lined up. So I let her wait in line  while I got our take-out lunch from McDonald's inside Kidzania where they are doing trainings also for Kiddie crews. 

Firefighter briefing also lasted about 10 minutes before they got into the fire truck. She said they they went to Purefoods factory to check if they are abiding by the fire safety rules. They all had checklists to see if the factory had emergency lights, CCTV camera, fire alarm, sprinklers, EXIT sign , etc.

While I was waiting for the kids to come back from their firefighter duty outside the fire department, I saw Regine velasquez with her son together with Michelle Van Eimeren and her two daughters. I didn't take any pictures of them as I am not a fan of showbiz stars.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, they sounded the alarm because the Flamingo Hotel was on fire. The kids on training at that time were the ones who put out the fire.

Next, we decided to go to the second floor where all the food stuff are. We went to Goldilocks first and she tried her hands on cake decorating. In our house, I let her decorate some cupcakes but Mommy does all the big cake decorating so this was her turn to do whatever she wanted to do with her mini cake.

Then we went to the Cream-O Cookie Factory, again she was the only girl in that batch but she already got used to it. Seeing the expressions on the faces of the kids after getting the finished all-packed product was precious.

Just beside the cookie factory is the Purefoods factory. No, they didn't make their own hotdogs but what they did was making their own chicken nuggets.

Seventh stop - performing at the ABS-CBN Theater. They rehearsed their dance steps for about 10 minutes like before, got their outfits on and then performed for all of us. The lights made recording and taking of pictures very difficult.

Our last activity for the day, making of Piattos chips at the Snack Factory - the Jack n' Jill factory. Like making the cookies, they watched everything happen from the flattening of the dough, rolling it out, cutting it out into hexagonal shapes, putting them into the machine until they get the packed, finished product.

We were inside Kidzania for seven hours and we were only able to go through eight activities. How many places are there inside Kidzania, you might ask? Check out the map.

Each number for each floor represents one establishment.

We definitely have reasons to go back there again. 

This is a must for every kid. I wish we had this kind of establishments when we were kids.

The only thing I didn't like when we went there was that I think they've allowed too many kids inside at the same day. We came with our fellow homeschooling families and we were just about thirty people (kids and parents). There were 3 other schools having their field trips brought by 2-3 big buses for each school. This made waiting in line so much longer since every activity lasted around 45  minutes. They should only allow a limited number of participants to avoid overcrowding.

Anyway, my overall rating  for Kidzania is: 

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