Friday, November 20, 2015

Pink Carbonara

You may be wondering why it is pink carbonara.

Well, that's because I prefer putting hotdogs in this recipe. Its red color makes my sauce pink. emoticon, face, happy, smile, smiley icon You can use chicken hotdogs if you prefer the sauce to be white as it should be, it's just hard to find a tasty brand of chicken hotdogs.

I have tried using good brands of ham before for this recipe but using hotdogs is still the best. Purefoods and Virginia hotdogs are the two best brands for me.


½         kilo linguine pasta
5-6       cloves garlic, minced
1          medium-sized onion, minced
1          small can of sliced button mushrooms, drained
8          hotdogs, sliced or chopped pieces of ham
1          Knorr chicken cube
½         kilo minced beef or pork
2          packs or cans of all-purpose cream
1          cup water
salted butter

1.      Cook the pasta according to its instructions. Set aside.
2.      Fry the sliced hotdogs in butter for about 5 minutes, set aside. Fry the drained mushrooms in the same pan where the hotdogs were fried and set aside also.
3.      In a separate pan, sauté garlic and onion in butter. Do not let the garlic and onion turn brown.
4.      Add and dissolve one chicken cube, then add in the mince. Mix well until the meat turns brown.
5.      Add the fried hotdogs and mushrooms and continue stirring for about 5 minutes more.
6.      Add the all-purpose cream and then the water. Stir and wait for the sauce to thicken.
7.      You can now adjust the taste by adding half or one more chicken cube, and water depending on your preference. Some people like their sauce thick and some prefer it runny.
8.      Remove from heat and pour the sauce on top of the pasta. You can also put crushed, fried bacon on top as garnish before serving. 

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